You're in luck if you're looking for simple poker strategies that will help you win at No Limit Hold'em. Today, we've compiled a list of some tactics and strategies to help you become a more confident and profitable poker player. This list will not teach you how to win every time and the use of online poker rakeback deals. Even the best poker players don't do that but it will help you improve whether you play cash games, tournaments, live poker rooms, or online.

Let's get started!


Top Strategies for Poker Beginners


Play fewer hands but more aggressively


In No Limit Texas Hold'em, even the best players in the entire world have a limit on the number of starting hands they can play before the flop.. You'll bleed away your chip stack if you try to play too many hands. Creating a solid preflop poker strategy is by far the simplest and quickest way to increase your profits. While developing solid preflop ranges is relatively simple (for example, by downloading our free preflop charts), maintaining the discipline to stick to them is difficult. Allow yourself to grow impatient and play a hand that is not important.


Don't Be The First One To Limp 


Limping (calling the big blind preflop) is a no-no as the first player to enter a pot. This type of play should be avoided for two main reasons


  • You cannot win the pot prior to the flop, as you could if you raised it.
  • You give the players behind very appealing pot odds, increasing the likelihood that you will face multiple players and thus less likely to win the pot.


The only situation in which you can limp is if at least one other player has already limped. Over-limping is a profitable strategy because you are getting good pot odds to get into the action and hit something good on the flop.


Aggressively Semi-Bluff with your draws


If you want to truly dominate poker, you must be able to bluff effectively. Ineffective bluffing, on the other hand, is one of the most common ways to lose money at the table. Thus, how do you control the frequency with which you bluff?


The best bluffing strategy is to let the cards decide whether or not you will bluff. This includes bluffing with hands that have outs to improve to the best hand on the next street, like straight draws, flush draws, or even just an overcard or two on the board. Consider these draws to be your backup plan in case your bluff is called.


Play your strong hands as soon as possible to build the pot and earn more money


When a player checks their flopped nut flush three times and then has to hesitantly table their monster of a poker hand when another player checks back the river, it's a sad sight. Slow play is a common error made by players who are afraid of following their opponents out of the pot once they have a strong poker hand. Most of the time, betting your strong hands is the best way to build the pot while preserving your equity. That is not to say that you should always bet or raise your strong hands after the flop and take good use of online poker rakeback deals.


Protect Your Big Blind (with the Correct Hands)


The big blind is a unique position because you have already put one big blind into the pot. As a result, when you are in the big blind and deal with a raise, you will have better pot odds than the other positions to call - think of it as a discount. Due to your discount and the fact that you are the last person to act before the flop, you can profitably call with many more hands than if you were in a different position.


When in Doubt, Fold


What is the most significant difference between a bad player and a professional player? It is the ability of a good player to lay down a good hand, such as the top pair, when they believe they are beaten. This appears to be very simple, but it is extremely difficult to do in practise, due in part to the way our brains are built. 


We are always curious and competitive. We give up our chance to win the pot when we fold, and we are unable to satisfy our curiosity by finding out what our opponent has. Although, we know that by using online poker rakeback deals will help in saving some money. The second fastest way to lose at poker (after ineffective bluffs) is to call too frequently and in the wrong situations.


Always attack when the other person displays weakness


With hands that can call multiple bets, players don't check as frequently as they should. This means that when players check, they usually have a weak hand and will fold frequently when faced with multiple bets. This is the "bluffing with nothing" scenario I mentioned earlier.


When your opponent exhibits a lot of weakness in a heads-up pot (for example, checking on the flop and turn), you can exploit them with an aggressive bluffing strategy. You should not only bet with semi-bluffs, but also play a pure bluff with some empty hands, especially with good blocker effects.

Don't worry about survival if you play solid poker early in tournaments


There is a time and a place for stack preservation, and it is not at the start of a poker tournament. One of the most confusing aspects of tournament poker strategy is this. Take into consideration that finishing in the money requires at least doubling or tripling your starting stack (often more). Instead of playing defensively, play solid as well as aggressive poker early on and take advantage of online poker rakeback deals to create a stack for a deep run.