Playing poker and ludo for real money can be an exciting and potentially lucrative experience. However, it is important to approach these games with a solid understanding of the rules, strategies, and etiquette involved. In this article, we will provide a brief overview of how to play poker online as well as ludo games, and discuss some tips and tricks for playing these games for real money.


How to Play Poker Online?


Poker is a card game that involves betting and strategic decision-making. There are many variations of poker, but the basic rules are the same across all of them, but some platforms provide extra benefits like poker rakeback deals. The objective of poker is to have the best hand at the end of the game or to convince your opponents to fold their hands before the game is over.


Hand Rankings


The first step in playing poker is to learn the hand rankings. The highest-ranking hand is a royal flush, which consists of the Ace, King, Queen, Jack, and 10 of the same suit. The next highest hand is a straight flush, followed by four of a kind, a full house, a flush, a straight, three of a kind, two pairs, one pair, and a high card.


Once you understand the hand rankings, you need to know how the game is played as well as the best use of poker rakeback deals. In poker, each player is dealt a certain number of cards, depending on the variation being played. The players then place bets based on the strength of their hands or their confidence in their ability to bluff their opponents. The game proceeds in rounds, with each round consisting of betting and card dealing.


Betting Structures


One of the most important aspects of playing poker is understanding the different betting structures. In a no-limit game, there is no maximum bet, and players can bet all of their chips at any time. Some online platforms when you play poker online also provide poker rakeback deals which are beneficial to players. In a fixed-limit game, there is a maximum bet, and players are only allowed to bet a certain amount per round. In a pot-limit game, the maximum bet is determined by the size of the pot.


Another important aspect of playing poker is understanding the art of bluffing. Bluffing involves making your opponents believe that you have a stronger hand than you actually do. This can be accomplished through various techniques, such as making large bets or showing confidence in your hand.


Pot Odds


When you play poker online, it is also important to understand the concept of pot odds. Pot odds refer to the ratio of the amount of money in the pot to the amount of money required to call a bet. If the pot odds are favourable, it may be worth calling a bet even if your hand is not very strong.


Playing poker for real money requires a solid understanding of the rules, hand rankings, betting structures, and strategies involved. It is also important to have a good understanding of your opponents, their tendencies and poker rakeback deals, as this can help you make better decisions and win more often.


How to Play Ludo Online?


Ludo Game Online is a strategy-based online game that generally has 2-4 players. In the ludo wala game, players compete with their given-coloured tokens from the beginning to the end (house), which is mostly determined by a roll of the dice.


Ludo's origins can be traced back to the 6th century, when it was known as Pachisi, but after some modifications as well as technological advancements, it has become a popular game all over the world. Ludo Chakka is a fan favourite, particularly among the younger generation. Previously, ludo was played on a board and was popular among friends and family.


A game of tactical awareness and skills


With so many apps available, the ludo game online is now available on computers/laptops as well as mobile phones/tablets. The rules of the online ludo game are very simple to grasp. The number that appears on the roll of the dice is important when playing ludo online. However, there is more to it because moving the tokens requires great tactical awareness and strategic skills. Ludo has gone online due to technological advancements, and this game can now be played at any time and from any location.


How is Ludo played?


Is it interesting to get closer to your favourite game once more? Ludo wala game, also known as Ludo cash game, is a trend that can lead to the creation of a new source of income. All players have an equal opportunity to come online and play Ludo cash games for huge rewards.


Let's see how to play Online Ludo for real money. Coming up with an exciting game of Ludo, you will find all of the rules and regulations to play Ludo online here.


  • Start your game by entering the Ludo Cash contest.
  • Each player has 24 chances.
  • The numbers will be chosen at random.
  • To proceed, tap your coin/token.
  • Each number will be called four times. For example, each player will receive four sixes, four fives, four fours, and so on.
  • Every move will result in more points.
  • Negative scores will be applied if your coin/token is cut.
  • A 6 is not required to begin the game.
  • The contest will be won by the person with the highest score after 24 moves.
  • Each player has 15 seconds to make a move. If the turn is not taken, the computer will make the move for you.
  • Coins and tokens cannot be cut on stop.
  • When a player brings his or her coin/token home, he or she will be awarded 56 points.
  • The goal is to return all of the coins/tokens to your home base in order to win the battle or earn the most points.


This is a game with a specific fan base, and All In One games app took the initiative to turn it into a platform that can be used as a money-making skill-based game. Therefore, online poker and ludo games has evolved to become a tech-based game with a chance to win a lot of money.